20+ Coffee Industry Statistics That’ll Stir Up Your Curiosity
By Vladana Donevski
February 6, 2024
Thomas Jefferson once defined coffee as “the favorite drink of the civilized world.” Tea-lovers might disagree with Jefferson, but coffee industry statistics are clear: Millions of people today can’t imagine starting their day without a cup of the stimulating beverage.
Coffee Industry Facts – Key Findings
- Brazil is the largest coffee producer (33%) and the largest exporter in the world.
- In 2020, 15 countries imported 76.4% of all coffee.
- An average American drinks 3.1 cups of coffee daily.
- By 2030, global coffee consumption is expected to grow by one-third.
- The US imported $5.7 billion worth of coffee in 2020.
- In 2020, Starbucks had the largest share of the coffee market – 40%.
General Coffee Industry Statistics
Wondering where your daily cup of coffee comes from? And whether there will be enough coffee for all coffee-lovers in the future? These statistics will provide the answers.
With 33% of all coffee produced, Brazil is the largest coffee bean producer globally.
Overall, about 50 countries worldwide produce coffee. Brazil takes first place by producing nearly a third of all coffee – about 69 million 60-kilogram bags. It’s followed closely by Vietnam, which produces almost 29 million bags annually. Even though coffee originated in Africa, this continent contributes only 12% to the world’s total production.
Small farmers still produce 60% of the world’s coffee.
Considering how popular coffee is, you might expect that growing it is a fully mechanized process that takes place on vast plantations. However, the reality is that only 21% of all coffee is produced on farms more than 50 hectares in size. The majority of producers still pick coffee by hand in an intensive, once-a-year harvest.
Global coffee consumption increased 2% between 2019 and 2021.
(International Coffee Organization)
On the other hand, the production went slightly downward in the same period, which led to minimizing the gap between production and consumption to 1.2 million bags.
By 2030, global coffee consumption is expected to grow by one-third.
The estimates show that by 2030, the world will need an additional 200 million bags to keep up with the growing demand. The main causes of this growth are the expected wage growth and increase in population.
In 2020, 15 countries accounted for 76.4% of all coffee imports.
(World’s Top Exports)
The five countries that import the most coffee are the US, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada. In 2020, these countries imported 47.7% of the worldwide total. Between 2019 and 2020, Germany increased its import volume by 9.4%, while Italy and the US reduced it by 7.5% and 2.8%, respectively.
Brazil holds the top spot for coffee beans export.
Brazil is prominent in our coffee statistics not only as the largest coffee bean producer in the world but also as the number one exporter. In 2020, Brazil exported almost $5 billion worth of coffee. Switzerland was the second-largest exporter, with $2.85 billion.
Europe accounts for 33% of the global coffee market.
(International Coffee Organization)
It seems like Europe has the most coffee drinkers altogether. It’s closely followed by Asia and Oceania, with a market share of 22%, followed by Latin America (20%), and North America (19%). The coffee market in Europe is expected to stay stable throughout 2025 and beyond.
The average price of a cup of coffee ranges from $0.46 in Iran to $7.77 in South Korea.
(Global Coffee Report)
The average price of a cup of coffee varies drastically worldwide. Recent studies have determined South Korea is the most expensive country to drink a cup of coffee in, with the average price being $7.77. On the other hand, the cheapest is Iran, where the average cup of coffee costs $0.46.
Only about 10% of coffee is roasted before being exported.
(International Coffee Association)
Essentially, 90% of all coffee is exported green, which means that roasting actually takes place in the importing country. Since roasting technology differs from country to country, it also affects the overall taste of the coffee.
The United States Coffee Market Statistics
In this section, we take a look at the US coffee industry size, information on consumer behavior, and imports and exports.
In 2020, an average American drank two cups of coffee per day.
(National Coffee Association)
One of the most interesting coffee drinking facts from the 2020 National Coffee Association report is that the average American coffee-drinker consumes 3.1 cups of coffee per day. Sixty-two percent of Americans drink coffee every day, while seven out of 10 Americans drink coffee at least once a week.
The US imported $5.7 billion worth of coffee in 2020.
(World’s Top Exports)
Americans are among the most avid coffee consumers in the world, with more than 400 million cups of coffee drank per day.
67% of Americans purchased their coffee from the supermarket in 2019.
Since a considerable percentage of Americans prefer gourmet coffee, one would expect them to shop for their favorite blend at their local coffee roastery or other specialty coffee shop. Still, it appears that customer retention levels in this segment of the industry are not particularly high – only 9% regularly choose this option. The majority of consumers purchase their coffee at the supermarket, 14% order coffee online, on Amazon, or elsewhere, while 13% buy it at their local coffee shop, according to the specialty coffee industry statistics.
Almost 60% of all coffee served in the US is brewed from premium beans.
(National Coffee Association)
While gourmet coffee is rising in popularity, traditional coffee consumption has decreased 10% from 2019 to 2020.
In 2020, Starbucks had the most coffee shops in the US.
With 15,444 stores in the US, Starbucks holds 40% of the US coffee shop market. Dunkin’, the food franchise that made history with 3 million customers daily, holds the second spot with slightly more than 9,000 stores. Tim Hortons, in third place, has 630 stores in the US. When translated into coffee sales, Starbucks generated $21.31 trillion in 2019, while Dunkin’ had $9.2 trillion.
41% of Americans used a drip coffee maker to brew coffee in 2020.
The second most popular method was the single-cup brewer with 27%, while 12% used an espresso machine to make coffee at home. Only 10% of respondents prefer cold brewing, 8% purchase ready-to-drink coffee in a can or a jar, while 7% purchase instant coffee in a can or a jar. Bean-to-cup brewer is used by 6%, while the remaining methods account for less than 5%.
Coffee Consumption Statistics Worldwide – by Demographic
Who are the people behind all these coffee-drinking facts and figures? Let’s find out.
72% of people over the age of 60 drink coffee every day.
(National Coffee Association)
But it’s not just older adults who drink coffee regularly: More than half (54%) of Americans between the ages of 25 and 39 consume coffee, along with 40% of those aged 18-24. The latter group has, in fact, seen a 14% increase in coffee consumption since the beginning of 2021.
In the US, women spend on average $400 more on coffee than men.
(Perfect Brew)
An average American woman spends approximately $2,327 each year on coffee, while an average man spends $1,934. Still, it seems that men simply drink cheaper coffee – if we were to compare coffee consumption per capita by gender, men take the lead with 2.22, compared to women’s 1.79.
Hispanic Americans are the most likely demographic group to drink coffee every day.
(Perfect Brew)
The survey conducted by the National Coffee Association looking to uncover coffee facts and statistics showed that Hispanic Americans are 65% more likely to consume coffee daily than members of any other ethnicity.
41% of millennials spent more money on coffee than on retirement plans in 2017.
(Acorns Money Matters)
In an Acorns study conducted in 2017, 41% of nearly 2,000 respondents born between the 1980s and early 2000s admitted to spending more on coffee than on retirement. Unsurprisingly, 39% also admitted to feeling anxious about their financial future.
Scientists and lab technicians are the heaviest coffee drinkers.
(Perfect Brew)
Among the top 15 professions that consume the most coffee, scientists and lab technicians take the top spot. Marketing and advertising professionals are second, while education administrators take the third spot. Writers and editors hold the fourth spot, while healthcare administrators take the fifth, according to a recent coffee industry analysis by Perfect Brew.
People aged 25-34 spend $2,000 in coffee shops yearly.
There’s a stark difference between this age group and people over 65, who spend only $7 in coffee shops per year. People aged 18-24 spend $172 per year on average, while the 35-44 age group doesn’t shy away from spending $1,410. These figures could partially be the result of the shift toward remote work, as many remote workers find coffee shops to be more conducive to productivity than their homes.